Is all I have to say to you, is that a clue
Creepin with those eyes
Those are just a lie
Watchin for a prize
that don't even belong to you
A room full of judge, has nothing left to say to you
Madea's done with this FN play
Frying Pans, cooking eggs, swinging bats, crackin screens
That Kush (blah Blah Blah) Im not going to finish this. its dumb and frustrating just like my Ex) Im over it.
Lucky ya even got a hit
that bush
Tamara (Miz) Maria
I let ya keep your balls, stay off my walls.
Running Running Running
Can't seem to get away fffast enough
Your pressure sucks me in
Take away my only chance at happiness
Your jaw clenched and eye winked
sending signals on what I should think
This incessant need to grow from the apple tree
I took a bite
Forever changed by choices made
A path still lies before me
It only takes a strength understood from glory
A story of past
A skin that has peeled
has healed
grown stronger
so you are no longer.
this is a bunch of random shit. Im working on my wording for a new art series. Can't wait to see who steals this too.